Saturday, 5 October 2019

Streaking while caching


A new souvenir this past month became available called "Streak Week"
Introducing Streak Week! Challenge yourself
to go on 7-day geocaching streak! Find a cache every day from August 25 – 31 to earn a souvenir. Can you beat the streak?
What is a geocaching streak?
A streak means you logged a geocache, an Adventure Lab Cache, or attended an Event Cache every day for a consecutive number of days. You can track your streak on your statistics (Premium feature). My best Streak is 400 days in a row, so I was sure I would be able to complete this one. Lol
I did the 7 day streak and ended it with a very Electrifying cache called "A shocking Discovery"
Spoiler pics to follow.

 You are not supposed to tamper with these, let me see what's inside.

 That doesn't look safe!!! Should I touch them??

 Oh, ok, all good, got the cache!!! Good thing the lid to the box was labeled. Very creative cache hidden in plain sight.

Multi cache
I tried to find "South Vancouver Historical Tour" a few weekends ago, as I was in the area and had a bit of time before I needed to be at my destination. But after collecting all the info, I put one number in wrong as I misread the info. Very important thing to pay attention to everything as it took me to someone's front yard instead of on the trail I needed to be on which was just about 30 feet away from where I was. I contacted the CO and he led me in the right direction and I realized I used a wrong number, so now I will need to go back there when I am over on that side of town again. Lesson learned: Double check and read correctly. LOL

I didn't think correctly, like this guy is. LOL. PS this is where I made my mistake and used the wrong info, as I didn't read the clue correctly, and used the wrong date on the plaque beside him. Oooooops....

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

September Geochallange

Oliver and I completed the September Geochallenge early in the month. This months challenge was to find any cache, BUT, you had to find it with a means of transportation that you have never used before. Oliver rode his bike and I rode his scooter. PS, you can find the video as well as some videos of our other caching adventures on our YouTube page at "Geocaching with Chris and Oliver"

Scooter caching

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Kelowna caches
I had a corporate show in Kelowna on the weekend so of course I was able to grab a few caches along the way and also while in town including 2 new Virtuals

 Welcome to Peachland.

 Very cool cache inside a Rock.

 It was so warm and sunny in Kelowna while I was there, so I was able to grab some nice caches including Kelowna's first Virtual at the summit of Knox Mountain.


Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley is such a beautiful place to visit and cache.

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

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