Saturday, 24 December 2016

60th Blog post!!!

Just in time for Christmas!!!

Contest Time!!!

In my last blog, I said I would have a contest as this blog is my 60th blog. Here is the contest:

I have found many "FTF's"
Send me a message or an email, or comment below as to how many I have found as of Dec 23/16 and I will mail you a very cool geocaching prize pack including a geocoin, some buttons, etc. First person to send me the correct answer will win!!!

Hint: Vg vf va gur 3 qvtvgf, nyy guerr qvtvgf ner pbafrphgvir ohg abg va pbafrphgvir beqre. Tbbq Yhpx.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Finally got the World Cache
I started working on the "World Cache" on May 26/16 and found the final on Dec 3/16
It took 6 months to find 5 caches, getting different coordinates from members of my team from the U.S., The U.K., Germany, and Australia.
Went out for a short hike up Fromme Mountain. The final to the "World Cache" was on a trail called the Baden Powell trail. We also decided to go further and grab a couple more while here. We got to the next one and realized it was a terrain 4.5(Out of 5) and saw no visible trail to get to it. The hint said it was at the base of the cliff. However the cliff was up a very steep and rocky hill.
Since we had our 4 year old with us we decided to head to the next one and hope we may find a path in for the terrain 4.5
We found the next cache up the trail, and decided to head back as we had other stuff to do that day. On the way out we thought, "We are here now, lets get this one." So we started up towards the cache, and it seemed to get harder as we got closer. The last part was quite the scramble, but we managed our way there!! Our little 4 year old is like a cross between a mountain goat and the energizer bunny. lol. He was a trooper and he kept us going forward. We rejoiced in finding the cache and headed back down the mountain.

We recalled the day years ago when Oliver was just 8 months old and we hiked up a cliff to be the First to Find on "A view for giant Pickle" which was in the hills near Victoria.
Angelcheeks with Oliver in Backpack and our Geo dog

Taking a break before the top

We think its very exciting that Oliver will get to look back at some of the adventures he has been on, and some of the cool caches he was a part of getting.

Trip to Trail, BC
Was able to grab a cache on the way thru the Chilliwack area called "Day 1 Light" which was nothing fancy other than the co-ords were at W122 which is the last set of coordinates that I need to complete a challenge called West 122 Degrees Longitude Challenge. I had all the other caches needed to complete this cache except for one with the "00" minutes. Now I need to go grab the challenge cache to be complete. When I was in Trail I grabbed another challenge cache called Kid crazys 12 days of cachemas winter challenge

Old train tunnel outside of Greenwood, BC
Frozen shut!!!

My recent trip up north to Yellowknife to do a show, I was hoping to grab at least one cache but that did not happen as there was too much snow, and I had almost no time other than to get to the show and head back home again.
I have a trip coming up on boxing day to Edmonton, Alberta with my little guy and will try to grab a few caches while there.

Well that's it for this month
Keep on caching
Chris Yuill

1 comment:

  1. And we have a winner!! Congrats ScooterRichard!! Was nice to meet you today on the hunt for a cache!!


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