Saturday, 21 December 2019

Road trip!!!

Kamloops Trip

FTF's are cool!!

I was looking to see what caches I was gonna get on my trip to Kamloops and noticed a puzzle cache called "Balance is Key" in Merritt. I seen that it was a newly published cache that had not been found yet, so I added it to my list of caches to get on the way to Kamloops.

I came thru Merritt and made the short side trip to grab this cache as it seemed like it would be a cool gadget cache. I was right and I was also the First to find it(Or at least get in to it, lol) Very cool cache at the side of the road, out in the open. But the trick was not to find it, but to figure out what you had to do to get at the logbook. Took me a few minutes but figured it out and made the find. YAY FTF!!!!

While in Kamloops I went to a very cool, well organized TB hotel called "Get some info Find a Bug"

 It was so well organized inside and easy to swap Travel Bugs, or coins.

 Another cool cache I found while in Kamloops was called "The Box Store Boundry", it was at the Edge of the property of a large chain store. It was a boundary marker, that came out of the ground to reveal the cache.

 Spoiler pic!!

On the trip home the next morning, I was able to grab several caches including 2 more Gold Country Caches. These are always awesome caches as they take you to beautiful places and you can earn cool geocoins by getting the stickers from inside the caches.You can earn them by finding 24 Gold Country caches and submitting the stickers into the Gold Country Geotourism Team.  I have already earned 2 geocoins, and working on my 3rd!!

I love the Gold Country Caches.

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Also got a couple more FTF's here at home. Both of them you had to listen to a YouTube story for about 20 minutes each, to get all the answers to some questions to get the numbers for the
co-ordinates. Thanx Keats for these awesome caches!! So far up to date I have 383 FTF's and a total of  4917 finds!!! This should change a bit before the New Year.

Almost got another FTF on my way to perform in Ladner. It was called "Millenium Trail: My Journey Begins"
I got there about a minute after another cacher was the First to Find. Still nice to meet other cachers at caches and events.

I was looking at a post about Lab Caches and the "Map" and I have not found any of these types of caches yet, but will go try one in the New Year.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

I will be heading to Vancouver Island at the end of the Year to do a couple of shows and I will make sure to get a few caches along the way. There is a few on the island that I've been meaning to get. More of that in January's Blog.

A short Blog this month but wanted to get one out before the end of the Year. Have a great Christmas and an Awesome Ney Year everyone!!

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!

Chris Yuill


Sunday, 17 November 2019

Cool caches

Cool Caches

Recently in the Geocaching blog they published the Top 10 caches in the world that are added to geocachers list's everywhere. The cool thing about the list is 2 of the caches I have already found. There is a few on the list that I will put on my bucket list and grab when I am ever near those locations. you can find the list here: "The Top 10 caches added to Lists"

I have also been looking at other caches that have gotten placed on my "Must Do" list and one of them is called "Smile" Ammo Can in the Woods
It is down in Longview Washington but it is a huge built Ammo Can that you can actually walk into.
Road trip anyone??

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Speaking of Cool Caches last month I did some caches including one called "Rainy Day cache" which was near some cool art on the sidewalk. But you could only see the art when it was wet. I was there on a nice day so I was not able to see the art. I was back near there on a day it was raining so I swung by for a quick look. (It uses special paint that only shows when its wet)

Rainy Day Art!!!

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

Disneyland and Hollywood caching

I went to Los Angeles for a quick trip during the long weekend in October, and was able to do a bit of caching while there.
I did a Virtual cache at Disneyland called "Disney's Horseshoe Review"

I also did a cool cache in Hollywood while there called "Put that in your Pipe and Smoke it"

 Can you see it??

Geochallenge of the Month

So almost every month Joshua Johnson "The Geocaching Vlogger" puts out a challenge to do something specific to complete a challenge. It may be as simple as find a certain type of cache or something harder. At the end of the month if you have submitted a video or picture showing that you have completed the challenge, your name goes into a draw for the chance to win some cool geocoins. About a year ago I won the second place coin. In September the challenge was to find a cache while using some form of transportation that you have never used before. Here is the "Video" of me and Oliver completing this challenge. In October the Challenge was to find a cache with a difficulty or Terrain value of 4 or higher. Oliver and I completed this challenge fairly quickly in the month and you can watch the video of that "HERE"
At the beginning of November Joshua did a video to announce the 3 winners for October, and how exciting it was to see that I won 1st place!!! YAY, now I will have 2 Geovlogger coins!!

Speaking of the Geocaching Vlogger, you can sign up to support him and geocaching at his page "The Geocaching Vlogger"
If you support him you get a lot of extras, plus you have access to the geochallenge of the month sooner.

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Streaking while caching


A new souvenir this past month became available called "Streak Week"
Introducing Streak Week! Challenge yourself
to go on 7-day geocaching streak! Find a cache every day from August 25 – 31 to earn a souvenir. Can you beat the streak?
What is a geocaching streak?
A streak means you logged a geocache, an Adventure Lab Cache, or attended an Event Cache every day for a consecutive number of days. You can track your streak on your statistics (Premium feature). My best Streak is 400 days in a row, so I was sure I would be able to complete this one. Lol
I did the 7 day streak and ended it with a very Electrifying cache called "A shocking Discovery"
Spoiler pics to follow.

 You are not supposed to tamper with these, let me see what's inside.

 That doesn't look safe!!! Should I touch them??

 Oh, ok, all good, got the cache!!! Good thing the lid to the box was labeled. Very creative cache hidden in plain sight.

Multi cache
I tried to find "South Vancouver Historical Tour" a few weekends ago, as I was in the area and had a bit of time before I needed to be at my destination. But after collecting all the info, I put one number in wrong as I misread the info. Very important thing to pay attention to everything as it took me to someone's front yard instead of on the trail I needed to be on which was just about 30 feet away from where I was. I contacted the CO and he led me in the right direction and I realized I used a wrong number, so now I will need to go back there when I am over on that side of town again. Lesson learned: Double check and read correctly. LOL

I didn't think correctly, like this guy is. LOL. PS this is where I made my mistake and used the wrong info, as I didn't read the clue correctly, and used the wrong date on the plaque beside him. Oooooops....

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

September Geochallange

Oliver and I completed the September Geochallenge early in the month. This months challenge was to find any cache, BUT, you had to find it with a means of transportation that you have never used before. Oliver rode his bike and I rode his scooter. PS, you can find the video as well as some videos of our other caching adventures on our YouTube page at "Geocaching with Chris and Oliver"

Scooter caching

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Kelowna caches
I had a corporate show in Kelowna on the weekend so of course I was able to grab a few caches along the way and also while in town including 2 new Virtuals

 Welcome to Peachland.

 Very cool cache inside a Rock.

 It was so warm and sunny in Kelowna while I was there, so I was able to grab some nice caches including Kelowna's first Virtual at the summit of Knox Mountain.


Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley is such a beautiful place to visit and cache.

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

Thursday, 5 September 2019

International Caching day and out of town caching

Saskatoon Caching

Last month I headed to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for a couple of shows, right after getting back from Magic Live in Las Vegas. I have been away from home for the last 2 weeks with my trips to LA, Carlsbad, and Las Vegas, but those were for fun. Now it was time to head out for a couple of shows.
 A cool Virtual I stopped at, with info about the Vancouver International Airport (YVR) Good to know!!

 Before I headed to the Airport, I grabbed this virtual cache about YVR. Lots of interesting facts.

Saskatchewan Caching

 I was able to grab 4 caches while in Saskatoon, including a Library cache, a Travel Bug hotel, a difficulty 4 cache, and a Virtual as seen in the picture. (My trading card has a TB number on it, please feel free to discover it) Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!
It's not always about finding every cache, I like to look for the cool, strange or very favorite caches.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!!

Saskatoon Firefighters show

 The stage is set for the Saskatoon Firefighters fundraising show. What an amazing audience, for both shows!! Plus we also did a small show at the children's hospital for the kids, parents and staff while in town.

 Great crowds, great guys to work with and the Producer was awesome and did a phenomenal job of making us look good on stage. Thanks again to all who worked hard to make this event a success!!!

International Geocaching Day

 I headed to Blaine, Washington on August 17th and grabbed a few caches for International Geocaching day.

Got this virtual souvenir for getting a cache on International Caching day which was August 17/2019.

As you can see from the following pictures, I have gotten a cache on International Caching day since it started in 2011 and every year since, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Great Trail Treasure Hunt

Last year the Great Trail Treasure hunt placed 100 caches along the Great Canadian Trail and for being the First to Find one of them I received a $100 gift card to Mountain Equipment Co-Op plus a years subscription to Canadian Geographic. This year they placed 200 caches along the trail and were giving away prizes for the FTF as well as random draws every week. A couple of months ago I posted about these caches. Since that time I found out I won again and was able to purchase any pair of boots off the KEEN Footwear Canada website. I ended up choosing a pair of work boots worth $300 for FREE!!!! Thanx again #greattrailtreasure and #keenfootwear
Getting something for doing what I love to do almost seems wrong, but I'm not complaining!!

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Hole in the wall caches

Was over on the Island for some personal business and we went on a short hike to a place called the "Hole in the Wall" while we were in Port Alberni. Oliver and I were able to grab a couple of caches on the hike in. We went with my Sister, Brother in Law, Nephew and his wife. It was a nice little walk and a good time to reflect on our next days event.

All the rock statues in the river

The following day we grabbed a cache in Toquart Bay while we were there and also checked on my cache called "BC Parks 100: BIG Cedar" on the way to Toquart Bay.
If you look closely, you can see Oliver in the Tree!! HUGE TREE!!! I'm quite sure you can't get a picture of the whole tree.

Oliver still loves standing on rocks. lol
Secret Beach and the entrance to Toquart Bay.

 This is the Old Rec site, that my Dad used to take me to when I came to visit. It is where he is now resting. The main reason we were on the island was to spread his ashes one year after he passed on. He will be missed.
 Saying goodbye to my Dad. It was a day filled with tears and emotion, but also a lot of laughter and fun, which is what he would have wanted.

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!

Chris Yuill


The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...