Saturday, 9 January 2016

December and January caching

Victoria trip

Caching for Challenges
It always seems when I travel somewhere I tend to look towards finding Challenge caches and my recent trip over to Victoria was no exception. I found a total of 6 challenge caches that had to do with the Jasmer chart, that I was able to log as I have completed the challenges. The Jasmer chart is explained a bit more in one of my previous "Blogs"
I also found an old cache that was published in October of 2003, that I needed to fill a spot on my Jasmer chart to finish off my 2003 caches.
NOTE: The highlighted words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!!
Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!
PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!
I also made a trip to the Landsharkz store. They have a very cool cache box right outside their store.

The box is locked and using the newspaper on the front, you can find the combination to the lock. Very Cool!!!
Speaking of challenge caches, I was recently out in Mission for a Magic gathering and had time to grab another challenge cache called Streak Challenge. Yup its a sickness!!!

New Years eve and New Years day cache souvenirs

This New years Groundspeak was giving away 2 new souvenirs if you found a cache on New Years Eve, and New Years Day. As you can see by the pics, I got both!!!

The Yukon
A few years back in 2012 I traveled to the Yukon for work, and I did as many caches as I could while there(There is much less caches up where I was than here at home) In fact I ran out of caches in the town I was in, so I had to travel greater distances to keep caching, as you can read about in a few of my past blogs, here, here, and here!! While up there, I did one in Whitehorse on one of our few trips to the big city, that was a simple magnetic key box but it was at a very cool huge Copper Nugget. Recently my wife Angelcheeks(also known as Jenna) was up in Whitehorse on Business and she got the same cache, but as you can see by the following pics, we were there at much different times of the year. lol
Dec 2015

June 2012
 I have been contemplating the challenge cache Geo-Mentors Challenge for awhile, and thought I could get it with my friend and fellow magician, Close Up Matt. (To claim this challenge cache, there must be at least two cachers finding it together - one cacher with less than 100 finds, and one cacher with more than 1,000) Then I noticed he was creeping up on the 100 mark, so we made a plan to meet up after I was finished work and go grab this one to get it off my list. Plus this would be his first Challenge cache. This was number 97 for him and then we even went and grabbed another cache close by to bring him to 98. I then dropped him off at the skytrain station in New Westminster and headed home. About an hour later he called me to let me know he did not get the train right away and went and grabbed 2 more caches in New West to bring up his total to 100!!!! Congrats again Matt!!!
Well that's it for this month
Keep on caching
Chris Yuill

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