Monday, 25 August 2014

Souvenir's, Magic, and FTF's


Souvenir's and FTF's

NOTE: The highlighted underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!!

So I noticed one evening a cache got published around 8pm, but it was already about 830 when I noticed it and it was farther away, so I assumed I would not stand a chance on the FTF, so I left it alone. The next morning I was up early as I had to drive my father in law to the skytrain station. Looked at the cache page and noticed it had not been logged as of yet.
FTF Prize!!!

So after dropping him off, I headed to the cache, almost 10 hours after it was published. Not only was I FTF(First to Find) but I got my "International Geocaching Day" souvenir as well!!!

I also got another FTF at a small park nearby home. It was a multi called "Wouldn't want to waste the space" I made fast work of finding the first stage, and raced up the hill to the next set of co-ords.
After finding the final, I sat down on the nearby bench, where I could see the first stage, so I got to watch the next couple of cachers looking around for it, and shortly after was joined by some other cachers coming to try for the FTF. Sorry guys, you are too late....hehehehe!

Caching Event

Went to a great event this month in the Vancouver area put on by out of town cachers LostSailRs called "Couple of California Cachers Come Cachin in Canada"

Caching event


The Socializer:  Earned by attending an Event, Mega-Event, or The Block Party.  Went to the event "GC58G5D - Couple of California Cachers come Caching in Canada"

This event was the last part of my "7 souvenir's in August" to unlock the special souvenir "The Achiever"

The Achiever:  Earned by unlocking the other 6 souvenirs in August.  All we had to do here was log our finds and check in to our Souvenir Trophy Case to unlock and lock in our achiever number.  
Met a few local cachers I have not run into as of yet, and some from out of town including the Event hosts!!!
 At the event we got talking about souvenir's(since it was the month of souvenirs) and I mentioned that I had a Texas souvenir, but had not yet cached there as of yet(I have been there, but was not into caching then). It was because I logged a travelling cache that was listed as a Texas cache. LostSailRs(the organizer of the event) asked what a travelling cache was. I was explaining and someone else had mentioned that there was only about 6 travelling caches left in the world. They are no longer allowed except for the ones that are already out there and active. I thought this was cool as I have found 3 of them.
Traveling caches I've found:

GC2179 "Bernies Travelling Geocache"

GC8E37 "The corps of discovery" (Found at island spirit, and this is the one that I got the Texas souvenir from)

GC6ADF "Traveling little known parks finder"

Upon further investigation into the travelling caches, I have found that there is still about 30-40 active caches that are travelling including one that is in the Fraser Valley area, which I will now have to go and

Speaking of the Fraser Valley:
The Fraser Valley Magic Circle had their annual picnic this month at out past presidents house. It was nice to see a great turnout with most of the members and some spouses showing up. It was an awesome BBQ with lots of food and chatting.

Monday night magic(CMOTY)

Third Monday Magic(FVMC) this month was the Children's Magician of the year competition. I had originally entered as I came in second in the Vancouver magic circles competition of the same name, but then pulled out two days before as I felt I did not have enough time to set up for the routine I was gonna use. Instead I got to be a judge, but next year I will be ready!!! It was a great night with several performers competing for this coveted award.

Team Cache

 Back in April of 2011, some caches placed by TEAM KFWB GPS were put up for adoption. Since these were caches that were originally published in February of 2003(geocaching was started in May/2000 ) they have become pieces of history for geocachers. The Mid Island cachers(of which I am a member) decided to adopt some of them. Then they were dispersed to some of the members that would be able to take care of them. I was asked to adopt one, so I did. The plan was simple, take over the cache and go check on it and make sure it is still in good condition or fix it up, to keep it active. Unfortunately I was unable to get to it right away as it was quite away out on some back roads, that were not accessible at certain times of the year. We were finally able to get to the cache site in December of 2011. The cache could not be found anywhere but I came prepared with a whole new cache in an Ammo can fully loaded. PS Most cachers love finding ammo cans in the woods, versus micros.

This was the note I post in a log on the cache page: CODE OF SILENCE GEOCACHE
Drove in from the Horne Lakes side today, despite a wrong turn which led up the mountain to a dead end and having to turn around without rolling the truck, and having a tree across the road to hurdle over with the truck, plus a wee bit of snow on the road, we managed to reach the cache site. We looked for some time and could not find any tagged tree to start from, but found the only stump with orange paint. We did not however find the origanal cache box or contents. We placed a new container(ammo can) under the stump with the orange paint. It is in plain view as I don't think anyone will spot it unless they are there caching.(pics will be posted) If anyone does find the origanal cache container please let me know, I would like to place it inside the ammo can to keep it safe. This cache is a very historic cache and I will make sure it stays active.
I will be editing the cache page with some new coordinates to help out and to stay on the right road to the cache. Have fun and good luck!!!


This is a pic I took in Dec/2011 of the new cache in place. And the lower pic is the ammo can loaded with a huge log book and lots of SWAG(stuff we all get)
Cache in Danger!!! 
Recently I received an email from a friend and fellow cacher, Slimshadysr. He was out that way caching and told me the area around the cache was scheduled to be "Harvested"
He removed the cache for me and held onto it so we could find a better location. Just recently he was back down that way and was able to place it in a new safer spot. Many thanx goes out to him, and I would do the same for anyone else.
Well that's it for this month
Keep on caching and keep the Magic alive!!
Chris Yuill



Monday, 11 August 2014

PCAM, Alberta trip and Chickens???

NOTE: The highlighted underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!!

I Love FTFs!!!!

At the beginning of July I got a few FTFs. I was at home, when a couple of new caches got published. I headed out the door. The first one was at the Dairy Queen down the street. The second one was down on Barnet hwy. It was a blitz cache named "Wicked!!". I raced there and as I reached GZ I found the very cool caching container. I took pics of course but will not post them on my blog so as not to spoil the surprise.

Another cache came out awhile later but I decided not to go after it as I was already busy with other things away from home. We got back home after being out for awhile and I noticed this new cache was not logged yet. Out the door I go in hopes of another FTF. Well the cache was over 2 1/2hrs old and I still was the first to sign. YAY another FTF!!
This past month(July) also marks the anniversary of me living on the mainland one year now. I have been doing quite a bit of caching since I've been over here and a lot of fun and different unique hides. Here are some pictures of some different cool Hides Since I've been here.
Project APE Tribute


We also went for a family outing one rainy Sunday to Granville island. Only grabbed one cache while we were there but also stopped in this cool shop that makes and sells brooms.
Regular Brooms

Cool looking brooms

Nimbus 2000??

Pacific Coast Association of Magicians(P.C.A.M.) Magic Convention

August was a busy month with the PCAM convention, which was an awesome 4 day event with shows, competitions, lectures, and workshops.....OH, and a lot of fun seeing old friends and making new ones, and hanging out. Of course with this convention as always, I offered to help backstage, and wherever I could. I also competed in the Comedy magic category, although I did not win I had a great time with an act that my wife and I came up with that I have never performed before(all new) and will probably never repeat it, as it was just for this competition.
Here is the YouTube link to my act, Fresh Food!!!!
Is that a chicken on your hand???

Caching for Souvenirs

        August has some souvenirs from to give away. Seven different souvenirs for collecting different kinds of caches. The first 6 are for getting different kinds of geocaches and if you get all six you are rewarded with a seventh. So August 1st, I was at the PCAM convention but got up early and went out and got the first 3 of 7 souvenirs.

The Sightseer:  Earned by finding a Multi-stage Cache.  This was the 1st cache I grabbed towards earning my 7 souvenirs of August. I would grab three different souvenirs today.(Aug.1st)  The cache was a simple two stage Multi called "GC1CYEM - Titleist Nest"

The Collector:  Earned by finding a Wherigo, Webcam, or Letterbox Hybrid Cache.  For this one I did "GC1QPCH - A Walk in the Park". It is a Letterbox Hybrid cache. This would be the second cache of the day for me.

The Explorer Souvenir:  Earned by finding a traditional cache.  This would be the third one I grabbed today. "GC469DG - EBG-13"  Most people would naturally grab a traditional cache first, but I wanted to get a couple others out of the way and grab this as a bonus on the way out of the park.

Last year at this time in August, they had the 31 days of August where you could get a souvenir every day of the month.
Of course I got all the souvenirs because I was already doing every day of the month for the year as a goal and I actually extended the year and did 400 days straight of at least one Cache a day, so it was a no-brainer for me to get all 31 souvenirs in August. Actually I got 34 souvenirs in Aug 2013, as I also got the "Geocaching Block party event", and the "Geocaching headquarters" souvenir on Aug 17th/13 and the "Going Ape Mega event" on Aug 18th/13

I also headed off to Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta for a week with my little guy.  Lots of Caching to be had also.
Came thru Jasper National park and got some traditional caches and a cool earthcache . This would also give me another souvenir to add to my souvenirs of August.

The Nature Lover: Earned by completing an Earthcache or participate in a CITO Event.  Stopped at "GC23ZAM - Cold Sulphur Spring - Jasper National Park" A very cool but stinky(Because of the sulphur) Earthcache.


The Puzzler:  Earned by solving and finding a Mystery Cache. While driving thru Edmonton, I grabbed a quick puzzle cache called "GC3ECWM - Crooked Luck" which earned me my 5th souvenir. Just need an event before the end of the month and all will be complete.
While in the Edmonton area, was able to grab a Virtual cache as well. I love Virtual caches although they are getting tougher to get as they are not allowed to be made anymore. I think they need to be brought back. They did try something else like it but it did not work out and they abandoned the idea. (although it gave me something to do while I was up in the Yukon) Read about that HERE!! 
"Something on a stick 'YXD'"

Well that's it for this month
Keep on caching and keep the Magic alive!!
Chris Yuill


The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...