Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013, hello 2014!!!

A quick blog to end the year!!!

So this is the last day of the year....and also the last day of my caching commitment I made on January 1st of this year. The goal was to get at least a cache a day for the year of 2013.
Well I can gladly say that I persevered and attained that goal.
365 days, 1051 caches, some easy, some not so easy and some even difficult!!!
Many days it was tough, especially with life getting in the way. This year had me finding a new job which took me away from my family, we also moved from Vancouver Island to the mainland, and we were also busy with our little guy growing up and becoming more of a toddler.
But in all that went on, it was a great year as I look back on it. Having an awesome wife sure helped, as it was her many times that kept our plans in motion.

Until next year,
Keep caching
and have an
Awesome New Year!!!

Chris Yuill

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Magic Convention, Space event and of course....Caching!!!

These last few months were quite busy as we were in the middle of getting ready to move from Vancouver Island over to the mainland, I also attended some geo-events and a magic convention.

Note: Please remember that the highlighted words are links and will take you to a different webpage that will be of interest!!!

Three of Clubs Magic convention:

What a great convention. This convention takes place in one of three city's each year, hosted by the respective magic club.(Seattle, Victoria, and Vancouver- Hence the name "The Three of Clubs")
Last year I was the VP of the Victoria magic circle and we hosted the Convention. Myself and 6 others were on the organizing committee and we were in charge of running the convention and making sure everyone attending has a terrific time.
This year it was in Vancouver and since I am moving over this way I volunteered to help run things.
I was one of the guys that helped keep the convention running smoothly( well almost smooth). I ran the sound and camera for the shows, speakers, lecturers, and special guests. Everyone had a great time and it was one of the best "Three of Clubs" conventions ever.



This is the Space event that myself and 80plus other cachers attended:

A travel bug was being taken up to space by a teacher as a classroom project.
Yup its true!!! A Geocaching Travel Bug is hitching a ride with astronaut Rick Mastracchio straight to the International Space Station. The mission was to launch from Kazakhstan at 4:08 GMT on November 7, which is November 6 at 8:08 p.m. here in the Lower Mainland. The TB is now up in space. Very Cool!!!

Still maintaining my cache a day commitment. I'm still going on day 349, just 16 more till the end of the year. I always take lots of photos while I am caching. Here are just a few.


I have been working in Langley area, and it seems there is a couple of different Tree climbing cache series. I have grabbed quite a few after work, some have been easy, others were a bit harder. Although I was able to climb one of them up about 30-40 feet, I came to one that was closer to the ground but the tree was such a shape that I could just not get started up it. But as it just so happens, I had something on the truck that was able to help me as you will see in the pic. Hey, I saw no rule saying these could not be used. LOL!!!
The Easy way to climb!!

 This one was fairly easy to climb but quite high up, I was not even sure I was in the right tree until I was up about 35 feet and spotted the cache container.
I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, and an awesome New Year!!! 


See ya next YEAR!!!
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...