Tuesday, 23 April 2013

More Challenges and FTF's

Making the climb

Caching for a terrain 4 FTF

So a new cache was published only 4km away from home. Upon looking we noticed it was up on Malcolm mountain and was a terrain 4 (5 is the highest rating)

No one found it The day it first came out, so the next day we decided to go for it. We packed up our 8 month old and our little puppy and headed out.  It started out as a nice little walk up a gravel road, and then we had to walk along a pipeline.
Walking the Sooke pipe line
Then we arrived at an old overgrown vehicle path. After awhile the trail became a creek which became a wee bit of a bushwhack trail and then appeared before us...a climb almost straight up. Well time to put our new baby backpack carrier to the test.
6km round trip and 3 1/2 hrs later we were back at the car.
Who would travel up a mountain with a baby just to find a nano container(about the size of your fingernail) I guess we would!!!



The cache is up there??
Rest stop before heading back down                                    


Not sure how helpful these ladders would be??
 That's a pretty small log book!!!


7 icons day challenge

Upon searching out some Geocaching challenges we came across one called Lucky number 7 challenge
The rules of this challenge were:
To log this cache, You must first find at least 7 different cache types in 7 days.
You are not required to find this cache container on the same day you fulfilled the challenge requirements. You DO need to include in your log the date that you began the challenge and the date you fulfilled the challenge requirements.
We(more me than Jenna) decided that we would do it in one day(all 7 caches plus the challenge cache)

Since the challenge cache was up past Duncan and one of the icons we would need(webcam cache) to accomplish the 7 different icons was down here in Victoria (there is another up in Parksville but we have already done that one) we planned a route that would start us down this way and head up island. We started out just after 10am and by 10:40am we already had 5 different icons in hand. (Traditional, earthcache, virtual, letterbox, and webcam)

Cool Earthcache

The webcam took us a bit as I was trying to find the right spot to stand.
I walked past the spot a couple of times before my pic was finally on the screen of my phone. We made sure we had a clear pic of us.

 Time to start heading up island.  We came into Mill Bay which is where we were gonna grab a puzzle cache and decided to stop for a quick coffee and snack. We ran into the Geo-knights(another caching team) then off to the puzzle and out of town. We tried to grab a multi at the whipletree junction but could not get our hands on the first stage. (Muggled maybe?)

Then it started to rain hard. There was no way I was going to give up now with already 6 different icons and only 2 more caches to go to reach our goal. We headed into Duncan and searched out a new multi for us to grab. Then it was off to the challenge cache itself.

After 116km, 7 needed caches, 1 extra cache and the challenge cache, just shy of 3hours our goal was complete.  Hmmmm what adventure shall we do next month???

Until next blog
Keep on caching!!!
Chris Yuill

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