New Year's Eve 2024
Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE celebration with 240 guests.
Went over on an early ferry that morning and did several caches on the way there and would also do some on the way back to the Ferry on New Years day. Was able to get these 2 souvenir's:
Before I went to the island I did a GSAK Macro to see if I qualified. Seems everyone is using the same WRONG Project-GC Checker to see if they qualify. It doesn't find the info it needs to.
The cache page said:
This challenge cache will have you trying to find different caches in different grid squares to make up a minimum of 60 points in just one day.
The idea of different types of grid square caches is to find multiple caches that fill up different grid squares. For example: a 1 difficulty and 1 terrain would make up 2 points. A 2 difficulty and 1.5 terrain would make up 3.5 points toward the 60 points that you will need to log this cache. A 5 difficulty and 5 terrain would make up 10 points to fill this challenge. The hard part is that you cannot use the same grid square more than once for this challenge and the caches must be found on one calendar day. It would be too easy to find thirty 1/1 caches to make up the 60 points so you must use different difficulty and terrain levels.
NOTE: Many cachers were using a Project-GC Checker to see if they qualified, but it is not looking for different grid squares, it is using any of the grid squares multiple times.
I stopped and grabbed this one while I was over on the island to perform a show on NYE at the Prestige Oceanside resort. Posting a screenshot from GSAK(Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) of the day I completed this challenge with 70 points using 16 Different D/T combinations, from the list below.

On April 26/2019 on a trip to Whidbey Island I found 28 caches plus was able to log a challenge cache I had already signed in Las Vegas. The main reason for the trip was to find some specific caches. I was looking to do multiple Earthcaches to complete the Las Vegas challenge and I was also looking to do several older caches to fill my Jasmer chart. (Jasmer Challenge: One of the oldest and most popular geocaching challenges is the Jasmer Challenge. To complete the challenge, you must fill your Jasmer grid by finding caches placed in every month since geocaching began in May 2000. Popular in the United States, the Jasmer requires geocachers find one cache hidden each month since geocaching began in May 2000)
Here is my list I found that day of 16 Different D/T caches:
GC1C6CY Coupeville Erratic 1/1
GC3C3BX The Bluffs of Whidbey 1/3
GCD6J6 Kittywillow 1/3.5
GCQ4EA Flower Power 1.5/1
GC17VC9 Pulverizer-Not a NANO 1.5/1.5
GC3BTB0 Erratic Art 1.5/2
GC13DC Ebby Bluffs 1.5/3
GC1E057 Deception Pass Earthcache 2/1
GC1A5K8 Gruman Ironworks 2/1.5
GCC5FB Burrow Island Vista 2/2
GCSTAYW I've Grown a Lichen to you 2/3
GC34Y23 Pet Rocks 2.5/1.5
GC4DB Burrow Channel Cache 2.5/3
GCRJYC I'd Turn Around if I were You 3/3
GC3JTVX Independence 3.5/1.5
GC1QAAW Earthcaches: Challenge of the Century 5/5
Also got a puzzle called
"#1 Cross-Canada Cache: Pacific (BC)" I solved it several years back, and was gonna get it when over there for one of the H.A.G. Events, but when we arrived at the trail it was on, it was still early in the morning, very dark and pouring rain, plus I was anticipating many caches to start being published. You see we went to the area at about 430 in the morning to be ready for all the caches that would be published that day and I had a hunch there was going to be several in East Sooke park. My hunch was correct and I got 18 FTF's that day.(Feb. 6/21)
Besides finding the "Grid/Terrain Points Challenge cache" and "#1 Cross-Canada Cache" I also found 3 other puzzle caches, 2 of which were Bonus caches for some Adventure Labs, 2 Virtual caches, 4 Traditional caches, and a total of 24 stages from several different Adventure Labs. Not too bad for a quick overnight trip to the island. A total of 35 finds!!
PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!
Multi Caches have feelings also!!
Recently I have started looking at doing more Multi caches. Looking at my stats I have less Multi's than I do Traditional's, Puzzle caches, and Lab Caches. Even my Virtual count is closing in on the number of Multi's I have done, and there are less of them available.
I am working on one right now that looked interesting called
"The Devil is in the Details"It is a 4 1/2 Difficulty and 5 Terrain. It has four stages and each stage is a different kind of puzzle or challenge to complete. You need different TOTT's (Tool Of The Trade) for each stage. I have only completed the first stage so far as I went to the Co-ord's and scanned a QR code which brought me to a Jigidi puzzle(Online Jigsaw Puzzle) I had to come back home to do it on the computer.
It was 300 pieces, and it took me over an hour to complete it. It then gave me the co-ords for the next stage. Not sure what I will encounter next, but looking forward to it. Will update as I proceed.
NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become BIGGER!!!
Got 3 FTF's so far this month, hope I can get some more soon. lol
Anyway that's it for January, Looking forward to February as I will be headed to Ferndale, Washington for a show and will make sure I grab a cache or two while down that way, although I have found most of the cache in the Ferndale and Blaine area, BUT...More about that Next Month......
Well that's it for this month!!
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill
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