Monday, 31 December 2012

Goodbye 2012...Hello 2013!!!!

Before the clock says midnight and rings in a new year,
I wanted to reminisce about 2012 and what a great year it was. Many great things happened through out the year, but I will just touch on a few of the more memorable ones.

Through the year I competed in several magic competitions such as the Ray Parker Unopened Deck Challenge challenge, which I won,
Ray Parker and I
 The Tony Eng close up award which I did not win this year but did last year, and The Mirth and Magic Comedy Magic award which I did not win, but there is always next year ;-)

I was voted in as the Vice President of the Victoria Magic Circle

I was nominated and won Geocacher of the Month, and was voted in again as B.C.G.A. Vice president.

I was on the committee and one of the sponsors for the Island Spirit Mega Event event,
and the committee for the Three of Clubs Magic convention

I travelled up to the Yukon and got to see a lot of awesome scenery and wildlife.

We also moved back down to Victoria from Courtenay, and will miss our friends up that way, but look forward to making many more in our new home.

But best of all was the package that the stork delivered(actually it was the nurse not the stork) on July 26th 
Jenna and Oliver
I am looking forward to 2013 and what it has to offer, and wish all the best for the New Year to all my family and friends!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Till next year
Chris Yuill

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The end of the year is near!!!

WOW...where did the year go??

The end of November and beginning of December was a very busy one with packing, moving, Christmas shows, Christmas, and planning for the end of the world(lol).

We(Angelcheeks and I) just recently moved from Courtenay back down to Victoria. We will definitely miss the Comox Valley cachers and all the great people we have met in the caching community.
We will still be up that way from time to time for get together's and camping, and of course caching!!

We are still getting settled down here and still unpacking boxes, but we were able to get out one evening between rain showers and unpacking for a short walk to grab the two nearest caches to our new place. One was at the fire hall, and as we were looking two firefighters were coming out of the building and called over and said “Keep looking, it's there!!!” It's great to see the community putting caches in areas like this, so they are well informed of geocaching.

We also managed to get out to a 12-12-12 event at Ma Millers pub in Victoria, hosted by our friends Landsharkz. This is the last time we will see a triple date for another 88 years. It was a well attended event, and it was nice to meet some cachers from our new neighbourhood.

Lots of people attending the 12-12-12 event

Even bought a cool looking geo coin.
12-12-12 geocoin
I even took my Geocacher of the month coin with me
 that I received back in February when I was voted to be Cacher of the Month
Thanks again to my good friends Ray and Lynn for nominating me and to all those that voted for me.

A couple of weeks ago as we were moving I received an email from a cacher from the Comox Valley. I asked if I could use it in my blog, and he said he would be honoured.
I will copy it here, it's nice to see we made an impact in the caching community while there.

Some cachers mentioned in their e-mail to me that you folks were moving soon, and I wanted to contact you to wish you well in the future and to tell you that Heather and I will miss your creativity in the geo-caching community around here. It was you MM65 that gave us quite a kick start into this game, particularly in solving puzzle caches with your "It's Magic" cache just off Burns Rd.
Where are you off to? Wherever that is, the community there will be getting a great family and a great asset to their community. You will be missed here!
I hope your life in Victoria meets and exceeds all your dreams and expectations. I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you folks again on the trails, or under a top hat! Best of luck, and best wishes!
Till next blog
Keep on cachin'
and Have a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!!!
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...