Monday, 27 November 2023

Hiding and finding, and a Magic trip!!

  Cache Hiding

I hid a cache this past week. I have been hauling this cache around for weeks looking for a spot to hide it. Every time I look and see some spot on the map, another small or micro cache appears. This is one of the reasons for my cache called "Too Many Micro's!?
It seems that a lot of micro's are being hidden, and it would be nice to see some regular or large caches being placed. I also got this cool souvenir for placing a hide this year. I haven't been placing as many as I did when I was over on the island, but I would like to change that, and get some more out there. 

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

I love FTF's

Got 3 FTF's today, one of which was not even published yet. A cache got published nearby, but I did not have time to head for it as we were getting ready to go to Soccer. As I was taking Oliver to soccer and as  we were driving I noticed a bike laying on the grass at the side of the road. I pointed it out to him, and then he said isn't that "Bobthegoalie?"
Bob is a local cacher that places out quite a few caches in this area. He had just placed one and was coming out of the spot when we saw him. I got Oliver to soccer and as I did another cache got published, another Bobthegoalie cache, so I headed for it. As I was walking up to the spot Bob pulled up. We chatted and he stayed to watch me get it to make sure the co-ords were correct. I mentioned to him that we saw him coming out of the bush along the road earlier, and asked if he had placed a cache. He said yes. After signing the log, I headed to that spot. I quickly found what I was looking for, signed it, and then headed to the one that had come out an hour earlier. To my surprise I found an empty logbook. 3 First to Finds with one being unpublished. When it gets published, I do not have to chase after it, I just need to log it online. lol
Edit Note: Cache was published 3 days after and I signed as FTF!!

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

PCAM Magic trip

I went to Carlsbad, California for a Magic Convention this past week. During the trip we went thru LA, Carlsbad, and San Diego, I was able to get several Adventure Lab's at the airports I went thru. I got 2 caches in San Diego. One of the caches took a bit of looking as it was a difficult cache to find with lots of Favorite points, and DNF's. 

This is where the GPS brought me to the cache named "Got Gas?" My god, It could be anywhere!!!

Can you see the cache?
Looked for about 20 minutes, touching and feeling everything. Finally I spotted it!!

When a cache has lots of Favorite points, and lots of DNF's,
you know its not gonna be easy, and you can bet it's not going to be a magnetic nano or key box. It will most likely be hidden in plain site!!

It's gonna blend in!!

There was just so much stuff that it could have been.

Also grabbed a Virtual cache at San Diego airport, before our flight home. Love getting Virtuals when I travel.

Victoria Trip

I went to Victoria on Vancouver Island for a day as I had a show over there. Was able to grab a couple of Virtual caches, 3 Traditional caches and an Adventure Lab before the show.

I am heading off for a corporate event to a small town called Bella Bella which is on Campbell Island at

the end of the month to perform some Magic. As you can see from the screen shot from the caching app there is NO caches where I am going!!! Yikes!! But hopefully I can get some awesome photo's from up there. Anyway, More about that in Next Months blog!!

Well that's it for this month!!
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...