Friday, 20 October 2023

"X Men", Bicycles, and an Ammo Can!!

 South of the Border

Susan and I headed across the border to spend the night, and of course we were able to grab several caches. We got one Adventure Lab in Ferndale, as well as the bonus cache.  

We also found 14 more of the 25 X Men puzzle series. I only have 2 more to solve and go find. We ended up DNFing one of them, and we believe its not there. Once replaced we will be back. 
NOTE: The cache was checked by the owner and he found it was missing and it has since been replaced.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

Barnston Island Bicycle Trip

There is a route around Barnston Island that is flat and paved. You start at Surrey Bend Park and then bike onto the ferry and around Barnston Island. The route offers views of the river and farms, and it’s especially fun in the fall during cranberry harvest. 

To get to Barnston island, the Barnston Island ferry runs across Parsons Channel on the south side of the Fraser River between Barnston Island (north bank) and Port Kells (south bank). Port Kells is in the northeast corner of Surrey at the bottom of 104th avenue.

The views from the island are quite spectacular.

Here we are at the end of our ride, and ready to get back on the Ferry.

We biked a total of 11 1/2 km's on the island. 
When we got back across we put the bikes back in the car and did the trails in Surrey Band Regional Park by foot instead. We walked almost 5km thru the different trails. The plan today was to get 1 wherigo, 1 challenge cache, 7 Traditional's, and 2 multi's. We ended up not getting the right coordinates for the multi's, we couldn't find 2 of the traditional's, the Wherigo had new construction fences all around it, so all we did was a total of 5 caches out of 11 we had planned on. LOL

Not a great day of caches, but lots of exercise for sure!!

Fort Langley

The next day we headed down the road to Fort Langley for some caches and Adventure Lab's.
I was hoping it was gonna a better day than the day before. 

It was also International Earthcache day, so I needed to grab an Earthcache.

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

We did an Adventure Lab which started at this building, the BC Farm Museum in Fort Langley and was actually the First AL we ever tried to do. When we tried to do it back in July of 2020, we didn't know how they worked and we thought it was like a wherigo and we were trying to get it to give us the answer instead of clicking the Blue button and answering the questions. lol

We figured it out shortly after that on the same day at Lafarge Lake. Since then I have done over 100 different Adventure Labs.

Today we found 1 Earthcache, 2 Virtual's, 2 Traditional's, and 12 stages of 3 different AL's 

Definitely a much better day than yesterday. lol

I finally got to place my newest cache out in the woods today. I had it all set up and ready to go for a little while, but was looking for a spot. With so many small and micro caches in the woods, It was tough to find a spot. I was lucky enough to grab an early morning FTF, and noticed there was a big gap between this cache and the closest one up the trail. I made a quick trip back to my car and grabbed the container that I have been hauling around for some time, and back into the trail I went. I found a good spot, left it there, got home and submitted the cache, and only about 4 hrs later it was newly Published.

Next month I am heading to Los Angeles, Carlsbad, and San Diego for a Magic convention. I have already been planning what caches I will have time to get while there. 
But more about that in next months Blog!!!

Well that's it for this month!!
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

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