Cruising along the Border for a cache
The day after getting back from our Vegas Trip, I ended up going to an Event on the Canada/USA Border. We also went as a group to do a Virtual cache on the Border.
The water is usually higher, and you need a boat or kayak to get to it, but on July 4th the tide was super low, so a lot of people decided to go for it and wade out to it.
Here I am on the East side of it, which is where you need to take the picture from for the Virtual.
Here are all the event goers at the Virtual cache.
It is on the Border of Canada and the United States.
It is actually listed as a Washington State Cache. Good thing I still had my passport with me. lol
I also grabbed one part of an Adventure Lab as I was headed back to my car.

It was at this cute Free Library.
PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!
My Mid-Year Geocaching Stats: 2023 may be halfway gone, but we prefer to think of the glass as half full! You spent half a year geocaching and making memories out in the world alongside the geocaching community. Take a walk down memory lane with us as we review your geocaching stats for the first half of 2023.
Geocaching Charted shows you where you’ve been, and helps you plan where you’re going next. What memories will you create before the year is up? |
| 372
Total numbers of finds so far in 2023. |
| 7 Icons
Distinct cache types logged. How many different cache types can you log by the end of the year? |
| Traditional Cache
These are your favorite caches! This is the geocache type that you logged most this year. |
| 1
DNF (Did Not Find) logs posted. Don’t forget to log your DNFs! They alert others that the cache may be more difficult to find than anticipated or may even be missing. DNF logs also inform the cache owner they may need to check on their container. |
| 2
Countries you cached in this year. Way to go, world traveler! |
| Cache: GC5FZDA
Favorite Points: 518
This is the highest Favorited cache that you found in 2023. We love it! |
| 7
Number of Events you attended this year. Social butterfly, much? |
| Cache: GC7932
Date: 2002-07-02
The oldest placed cache you found this year. |
| Date: 2023-04-22
Number of Finds: 45
Your busiest caching day of the year—look at how many caches you found! |
| 59
Days you went geocaching. How many more can you get this year? |
| 10
Favorite points you awarded to geocaches. You were a Favorite fan! |
| You haven’t earned the 2023 hider souvenir yet. Don’t worry, there’s still time to find a spot to hide your cache! |
| 5
Number of caches you hid this year. Thank you for contributing to your geocaching community with an amazing hide! |
NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!
Vernon Ribfest TripSusan and I went to Vernon as I was performing some shows at the "Vernon Ribfest" It was a 3 day event, and I was doing shows on the Saturday and Sunday, as well as some strolling Magic both days.
We headed out late Friday night, and ended up napping in the car for a few hours at a rest area just past Merritt on highway 97C. We woke up early the next morning and were able to grab 2 caches before leaving the rest area. Grabbed a few more on the way thru Kelowna and coming into Vernon.
The first evening after the Ribfest, we went back to the hotel room and after supper we decided to grab some local caches and we also completed 5 Adventure Labs around town that involved Murals and some of the buildings.
Cache Alert!!! What's on the other side of this WARNING Label??
Oh, its a Log book for the cache!!!
I love these sneaky hides that are in plain site. Thanx to Susan for her sleuthing skills as she found this one.
The next morning we checked out of the hotel and headed over to the event grounds, and grabbed 3 caches before getting there. I did my show and a couple hours of Close up and we also had some of the best beef and pork ribs around during the 2 days. After the event, we headed down the highway towards home, grabbing as many caches as we could before it got dark.
This was a cool one we got on the way into Kamloops called "Dallas TB Hotel" And NO its not under the skirt of the light post.
Check the next picture and you will see it. It is also locked making it a very secure place for Trackables.
In total on the quick trip to Vernon, we found 32 caches, and 5 full Adventure Labs and 2 stages of another Adventure Lab.
Day trip to Bellingham Susan and I popped down across the border for a quick day trip, and we were able to find 7 traditional caches and 5 puzzle caches.
Merritt MagicI got a gig in Merritt for the Chamber of Commerce, I stopped for a Cache on the way there and was able to grab a couple more once in town, before heading to "Spirit Square" to perform for the crowd of Night market goers.
 My stage all set up!!
And FINALLY: So even though I was just in Vegas at the beginning of July, I am heading back there on August 4th for 8 days. This time it's for a Magic Convention I go to every year called "Magic Live." I am hoping to get a bit of caching in but will be quite busy with the convention and going to see a few shows. But more about that in next month's Blog!!!
Well that's it for this month!! Keep on caching!! Chris Yuill Magicman65