Monday, 10 January 2022

Caching into the New Year!!!

 Adventure Labs

I started an Adventure Lab in New Westminster as I needed some points towards the "Reach the Summit" souvenir. It was an interesting one about some older buildings. I am looking forward to finishing it.

That is one of the reasons I have started enjoying Adventure Labs. You don't have to finish them 100% to receive finds like a multi cache or a Wherigo. Plus some of them take you to some cool spots, that may not have been able to have a cache hidden.

As of writing this I have several AL's I have not completed. I have one in Banff, Alberta that we did 2/5 spots. 2 more in Edmonton, Alta that are 2/5 and 4/5 locations complete.
2 in Kamloops that are both 2/5 locations complete. One in Delta area that is 3/5.
Two in New Westminster, with 4/5 and 2/5 locations completed. And one in Port Moody that is 4/5 complete. One day I will complete some of these, but not too worried if I don't. LOL

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

Reaching the Peak for a Geochallenge 

The newest "Reach the Peak" which started on December 6th will also get you entered into the Geocaching Vloggers "Geochallenge of the Month" if you get enough points to get the souvenir.  You need 6190 points to receive the souvenir. The biggest one yet!! 

I earned the souvenir on December 19th and got an entry in for the Geochallenge of the Month.

Next Months "Reach the Peak" starts Jan.3rd

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

More Adventure Lab Caching

It seems like lately I have been doing more AL's than actual caches. lol
Susan and I went out one sunny afternoon to do one in Richmond. Honestly, this one was quite mundane. Nothing of interest in this one at all. But it was a nice walk on a sunny day.

Did a cool Multi cache recently called "Sea Island Connector Bridge Multi"
To get the final Coordinates, you could either walk across the bridge and stop at 4 different locations, or you could go on Google Maps and go to the locations virtually. I chose to work them out using Google maps and Susan and I drove over to the cache to make the find.

Richmond Nature Park Hut Adventure Lab

Susan, Oliver and I grabbed another AL on Jan 2nd, but this one was made up of 10 Locations (Like my Trans Canada Highway Adventure Lab I am working on) 
This was a cool one as 8 of the locations were inside the Richmond Nature House in the park.

The morning of the 3rd, a few new caches popped up. I quickly worked out the nearest puzzle cache called "Moray Bridge Mystery Cache" but I misread one of the clues and used a 7 instead of a 5. If it would have been the last number, there would not have been a problem, but it was the 3rd last number which meant a difference of over 500 metres away. Weird thing was, the location had the same type of trees that was in the hint. lol
We also did a couple more AL's and some caches on the 3rd. One was about art installations near Olympic Village, and the other took us to some cool houses with some very cool history. 
Not a real slug, part of the art nearby.
This guy was a lot larger. lol

Very cool stainless steel art.

Oliver hanging with the birds. PS that's snow not bird poop. lol

I finished off the day by grabbing a new Virtual on the way home, to complete my "Reach the Peak" souvenir on the very first day of the newest one with 7100 points when I only needed 6960.

Next month on February 5th the annual H.A.G. happens over on Vancouver Island and area. H.A.G. stands for Hide and Go!! It is in its 18th year of events. About 400 caches get published on the first Saturday of February. Lots of fun and many FTF's to be had.

Last year Susan and I went over for the HAG, and we got 18 FTF's that day. This year we are planning on going over and hopefully beating that number.  Wish us Luck!!
But more about that next month!!!

Until then, Stay Safe, Get Vaccinated, Wear your Mask, and Wash your Hands!!

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...