Sunday, 19 July 2020

Upcoming trips and Geotours

Avenging a "Didn't Get a Chance to Look Log"

Is that a thing?? Last blog you read about the "Bear that chased us away" we were at a cache called "Our Little Park" when a bear made his way thru, and Oliver and I made a mad dash to the car, and we actually logged the cache as a DNF (Did Not Find) although we didn't even start to look for it.
I went and avenged our close encounter with a bear cache, this weekend.
Here is a pic of me standing where the bear was last week.

This is the bear that had Oliver and I running to the car. I am so glad someone drive by and yelled at us that a bear was coming our way.

Went Caching with Sansue one nice evening, and we found a cool cache while a nearby Raccoon watched over her babies, keeping an eye on us.
PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

The baby poked his head out that hole, but I didn't get a pic in time.

Four FTFs
Some new caches popped up close by one rainy Saturday. I decided not to rush out to get them as we were just getting breakfast. Later in the afternoon, I looked at them again and realized they had not been logged yet.....OK.....out the door I go!! When I got to the first one, I met up with StickmanBC who was already looking but had not yet made the find. We searched together and I found it and we shared the FTF. We headed off to the other 2 as they were in the same park, and grabbed them as well. On the way home I swung by another one that had been published earlier also and got my fourth FTF of the day. Soaked but content, I headed home.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

BC's first cache
I had already found GC1DD Treehugger (BC's First Cache) on July 28th, 2011, but I told Sansue I would take her to it. It's a nice walk up several sets of stairs to where you can view the Ocean from. 
This is the oldest cache location in British Columbia. It's been here since Feb 2001. Because of the original owners having left the hobby, this cache has been adopted by QuigleyJones, formerly dogbreathcanada. It has been found 1669 times, and has 482 Favorite points on it, to date.

I had a show earlier in the day so before meeting up with her and heading up to this cache, I grabbed 11 other caches on my way to meet her. 
Cute little cache box

Little Free Library cache

The Habitat Sculpture

A cool cache

"Sansue with Treehugger"

Next month at the end of August we are going to Alberta, and although I already got "Strathcona Wilderness 1" which is Alberta's first cache and Canada's second ever cache back in July of 2011, I told her I would take her to this historic cache also. (Read more about that in my next blog)

New Geotour
a new geotour had been published in the Aggasiz area, so Sansue and I planned to go out on a sunny Sunday afternoon to do all 10 of them. Once completed and recording the secret code word on each of them, you can submit your answers online and receive a new Geocoin. We had a nice day and found all of them plus another cool cache as well. 

Can you see the cache???

I saw it!!

The Fraser Valley, with the Fraser River flowing fast and full!!

Upcoming Alberta Trip

So I have been planning a trip to Edmonton with Sansue at the end of August, and we have decided to head thru Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary, and then up to Edmonton, and then back thru Jasper on the way home.
Of course I have already been making a list of caches to grab along the way. While looking I noticed a traditional cache called "Balance is the Key" just outside Merritt that had the same name as a puzzle cache in the same place that I got the FTF on back in November 2019, when I went thru on the way to Kamloops for a corporate show. I did a bit of research (Thanx GSAK) and found out the CO (Cache Owner) archived the Puzzle and resubmitted it as a traditional cache as it was a field puzzle and more of a gadget cache, not an online puzzle. The good thing is I will be able to stop by and grab it again on our trip. I also contacted the cacher that found the cache first after it was republished as a traditional ,as his log read (Went after a first to find as no one had logged the find, was disappointed to find it logged several times before it was even published) 
Technically, he and his group were the first to find the cache, since it was a new listing, and the other puzzle cache that I was FTF was archived. I have been in that situation before finding a cache and thinking no one else has visited it yet, and finding signatures of other loggers. Years ago when I lived on the island I would go to Port Alberni for events, and they would give the event goers a list of new caches with coordinates, that had been put out for the event but had not necessarily been published yet. Gold country did this also at an event I was at a few years back.

Kelowna Trip

Oliver (magicboy2012) and I went for a 4 day weekend trip to Kelowna as an early birthday present for him. We had some fun activities planned such as Parasailing, Zip lining, and a visit to the Kangaroo Farm, as well as some caching.
This is the cache called "Balance is the Key" which I talked about up above. We grabbed it since its a new cache and I can log it again. I let Oliver figure out how to get inside the box as I have already done it. (He figured it out on his own with very little help from me). Very strange to do a new cache and open up the logbook and see my name as the first to find, and have to write my name in there again. The CO did not change the logbook, which is why the confusion for the cachers that found this new cache and thought they were the first to find.

"Letter Block Lock cache"

Oliver helping work out the puzzle.

This Gold Country Geotour cache was in the crapper!! Lol

Memory Lane souvenirs 

Groundspeak has 5 more souvenirs up for grabs, which I talked about in last months blog, and all you have to do to earn them, is get out and grab some caches, and you earn points towards each of them. I already got all 5 souvenirs!!  

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...