Saturday, 21 December 2019

Road trip!!!

Kamloops Trip

FTF's are cool!!

I was looking to see what caches I was gonna get on my trip to Kamloops and noticed a puzzle cache called "Balance is Key" in Merritt. I seen that it was a newly published cache that had not been found yet, so I added it to my list of caches to get on the way to Kamloops.

I came thru Merritt and made the short side trip to grab this cache as it seemed like it would be a cool gadget cache. I was right and I was also the First to find it(Or at least get in to it, lol) Very cool cache at the side of the road, out in the open. But the trick was not to find it, but to figure out what you had to do to get at the logbook. Took me a few minutes but figured it out and made the find. YAY FTF!!!!

While in Kamloops I went to a very cool, well organized TB hotel called "Get some info Find a Bug"

 It was so well organized inside and easy to swap Travel Bugs, or coins.

 Another cool cache I found while in Kamloops was called "The Box Store Boundry", it was at the Edge of the property of a large chain store. It was a boundary marker, that came out of the ground to reveal the cache.

 Spoiler pic!!

On the trip home the next morning, I was able to grab several caches including 2 more Gold Country Caches. These are always awesome caches as they take you to beautiful places and you can earn cool geocoins by getting the stickers from inside the caches.You can earn them by finding 24 Gold Country caches and submitting the stickers into the Gold Country Geotourism Team.  I have already earned 2 geocoins, and working on my 3rd!!

I love the Gold Country Caches.

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

Also got a couple more FTF's here at home. Both of them you had to listen to a YouTube story for about 20 minutes each, to get all the answers to some questions to get the numbers for the
co-ordinates. Thanx Keats for these awesome caches!! So far up to date I have 383 FTF's and a total of  4917 finds!!! This should change a bit before the New Year.

Almost got another FTF on my way to perform in Ladner. It was called "Millenium Trail: My Journey Begins"
I got there about a minute after another cacher was the First to Find. Still nice to meet other cachers at caches and events.

I was looking at a post about Lab Caches and the "Map" and I have not found any of these types of caches yet, but will go try one in the New Year.

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

I will be heading to Vancouver Island at the end of the Year to do a couple of shows and I will make sure to get a few caches along the way. There is a few on the island that I've been meaning to get. More of that in January's Blog.

A short Blog this month but wanted to get one out before the end of the Year. Have a great Christmas and an Awesome Ney Year everyone!!

Well that's it for this month,
Keep on caching!!

Chris Yuill


The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...