Monday, 13 February 2017

Geo Tour

Richmond Geo Tour

Had a day off, and a new cache got published so I went and grabbed it to give me another FTF to add to my list. I had not much to do, so I decided to go finish up the "Richmond Geo-Quest" caches. Grabbed several by way of car, and then had a few to do by walking the trails. 3 of them are in the park where the Richmond Nature park office is located, so I did those last, as that is where you go to claim your prize for getting all the codes from each cache.

 Had to go to several different parks and Nature areas, as you can see by the Pictures.

 This was a cool path!!

This was chained up!!

NOTE: The highlighted or underlined words in my blog can be clicked on as they are links to other cool stuff!! Also if you click on any of the pictures they become bigger!!!

PS: On the right hand side of this webpage is where you can find my YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus links. Please feel free to check them out and follow or subscribe!!!

MAGIC Live 2017

So I have registered for a Magic Convention in Vegas that I have been to the last two years. It's not until August but I've already started making my bookmark list. lol
If you recall my blog from last August, I went after several Virtual caches, there is a few there that I did not get at that time, so I will hunt them down this time. I am also gonna try to get 7 icons in one day. I tried last year when I was there, but ended up only getting 6. Wish me luck!!
I have done it in the past as you can see by the pic below:

Caching etiquette

Found this recently on the internet. Found it very useful and Interesting:
If you enjoy finding caches more than hiding them and you want to give something back to the hobby, here are seven things you can do.  

1)  Leave great logs.  I know I Personally really appreciate it when someone takes a minute to tell me they enjoyed the cache and give a sentence or two about their experience. 

2)  Upload pictures.  They don't have to be pictures of you.  I like to see pictures of interesting things you saw nearby or what the area looks like as the seasons change.  Please don't include the cache itself.  I like to leave some things as surprises for future finders.  Mention the pictures in the logs!  The owners are not notified in any way when you attach pictures.  Sometimes I don't notice the pictures until months later.

3)  If you are a premium member, leave favorite points.  I realize you can't always do this, but it's nice when you can.

4)  Give reliable status reports about the condition of the containers.  It really helps me to know whether I need to plan a trip for maintenance.  If you say at the end of your log "everything is in good shape here" then I know I don't have to check on that one right away.  If there is a problem and you can't explain it without leaving spoilers then you can also contact the owner through the messaging feature.

5)  Make simple repairs.  If you can solve a problem while you're standing there and save me a trip then that is a huge help.  When I go out I carry spare log paper, extra gaskets for bison tubes, and ziplock bags in a variety of sizes.  I know some geocachers also carry camouflage duct tape.  Mention any repairs in your logs.  Do NOT throw down a new container because you can't find one that's supposed to be there.  If there are two containers then that's a new problem I have to go and solve.

6)  Restock the containers with swag.  This doesn't benefit me as much as everyone else who finds the cache after you.  Go to eBay and order ten dollars worth of plastic rings or guitar picks or something.  Sprinkle them in caches across the landscape like you're Johnny Appleseed.

7)  Just go out and find them.  If you find the caches and you're not being a jackass then you're participating the game and helping to keep it fun for everyone.  That's why we hide them.

Obviously by the numbers and statistics, the vast majority of geocachers are finders and not hiders. 
Personally I have to date found 4195 caches but have only hidden 45 and 4 of those were Events. The last time I saw statistics there were something like 2.4 million active caches in the world and close to 7 million geocachers.  Most people who hide caches have hidden a bunch, so the numbers are actually much more lopsided than that.  I would much rather that people don't hide caches until they've seen a bunch and they're prepared to keep up with years of maintenance.

Well that's it for this month
Keep on caching
Chris Yuill

The New Year has Arrived!!

 New Year's Eve 2024 Happy New Year to all!!! I Went to Sooke, on Vancouver Island on New Year's Eve to perform some magic at a NYE ...